Research & Communication for Architecture and Design
Copywriting and editing for architectural competitions: articulating the architectural merit of projects contextualised within contemporary discourse.
Written components of national and international prize entries.
Editorial strategy and advice.
Marketable communications for media - tailored for digital, social and print publications.
Project stories: expanding the project narrative to share the design value and complexity.
Designer/Practice Profiles: communicating ethos, outlook and direction.
Bid and client proposal development.
Research project management including; timelines, budget, copyright management and image databases.
Editing and proofing existing texts.
Relevant Experience
Editor-in-Chief of Union Magazine
In-house Research & Communications for Cave Urban
Editorial Assistant for Lacaton & Vassal Rothwell Chair Symposium at the University of Sydney
Founding Editor of Sent Publication
Research Assistant at University of Sydney and University of Technology Sydney
Relevant Education
PhD in Architecture student at University of Cambridge
MA in History and Critical Thinking from the Architectural Association London
Bachelor of Design in Architecture from University of Sydney